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Ngo5 mui5 ziu1 zou2 san4 gwong1 co1 lou6 ge3 si4 hau6 zau6 hei2 san1.
Every morning I wake up when the sun rises.

早餐嘅時候, 我鍾意食兩塊多士同埋飲一杯奶茶.
Zou2 caan1 ge3 si4 hau6, ngo5 zung1 ji3 sik6 loeng5 faai3 do1 si6*2 tung4 maai4 jam2 jat1 bui1 naai5 caa4.
For breakfast, I like to eat two slices of toast and drink one glass of milk tea.

Fong1 baau1 ngo5 wui5 sin1 jung6 do1 si6*2 lou4 hong1 saam1 sap6 miu5.
(As for the) sandwich bread, I will first use the toaster to toast it for 30 seconds.

三十秒就最啱啱好, 外邊金金黃黃, 脆卜卜.
Saam1 sap6 miu5 zau6 zeoi3 ngaam1 ngaam1 hou2, ngoi6 bin6 gam1 gam1 wong4 wong4, ceoi3 bok1 bok1.
Thirty seconds is just right; the outside is golden and crunchy.

Loeng5 faai3 do1 si6*2 ngo5 dou1 wui5 caa4 ngau4 jau4.
(As for the) two slices of toast, I will spread butter (on both).

其中一塊我會搽花生醬, 另外一塊我會搽果占.
Kei4 zung1 jat1 faai3 ngo5 wui5 caa4 faa1 sang1 zoeng3, ling6 ngoi6 jat1 faai3 ngo5 wui5 caa4 gwo2 zim1.
On one of the slices I will spread peanut butter; on the other slice I will spread jam.

飲奶茶我都好講究, 我一定要用英國早餐茶包.
Jam2 naai5 caa4 ngo4 dou1 hou2 gong2 gau3, ngo5 jat1 ding6 jiu3 jung6 jing1 gwok3 zou2 caan1 caa4 baau1.
When I drink milk tea I am very particular, I definitely will always use English breakfast teabags.

Ji4 ngau4 naai5 fong1 min6 ngo5 wui5 jung6 dai1 zi1 ngau4 naai5.
As for (the subject of) milk, I will use low fat milk.

朝頭早嘅時候因為比較趕時間, 所以我只能夠用十五分鐘嚟食早餐.
Ziu1 tau4 zou2 ge3 si4 hau6 jan1 wai6 bei2 gaau3 gon2 si4 gaan3, so2 ji5 ngo5 zi2 nang4 gau3 jung6 sap6 ng5 fan1 zung1 lei4 sik6 zou2 caan1.
Because I am in quite a rush in the morning, I can only spend 15 minutes to eat breakfast.


Recorded by my wife and transcribed by Wai Ming. Thanks again.