Sat 27 Jan 2007
Monologue: The Bank
Posted by 馬先生 under MP3 - Monologues
Download - 1:09min
Produced by: 馬太太
Transcribed by: 鄺慧明
Ngan4 hong4 fuk6 mou6 baau1 kut3 cyun4 fun2 wu6 hau2.
Bank services include bank accounts.
存款戶口分為儲蓄戶口, 定期存款戶口同埋往來戶口.
Cyun4 fun2 wu6 hau2 fan1 wai6 cyu5 cuk1 wu6 hau2, ding6 kei4 cyun4 fun2 wu6 hau2 tung4 maai4 wong5 loi4 wu6 hau2.
Bank accounts are divided into savings accounts, (fixed) term deposit accounts, and current accounts.
儲蓄戶口可以處理日常嘅存錢, 攞錢, 轉帳嘅服務.
Cyu5 cuk1 wu6 hau2 ho2 ji5 cyu5 lei5 jat6 soeng4 ge3 cyun4 cin4*2, lo2 cin4*2, zyun2 zoeng3 ge3 fuk6 mou6.
Savings accounts allow management of everyday deposits, withdrawals and transfer services.
而戶口嘅結餘, 就可以賺取利息.
Ji4 wu6 hau2 ge3 git3 jyu4, zau6 ho2 ji5 zaan6 ceoi2 lei6 sik1.
When you have a (positive) bank balance, you can earn interest.
定期存款戶口就係需要存入一筆錢, 喺一段固定嘅時間之內呢, 都唔會拎出嚟嘅.
Ding6 kei4 cyun4 fun2 wu6 hau2 zau6 hai6 seoi1 jiu3 cyun4 jap6 jat1 bat1 cin4*2, hai2 jat1 dyun6 gu3 ding6 ge3 si4 gaan3 zi1 noi6 ne1, dou1 m4 wui5 ling1 ceot1 lei4 ge3.
(Fixed) term deposit accounts require you to deposit an amount of money, (and) within a certain period of time, you cannot take it out.
Gam2 zau6 ho2 ji5 zaan6 dou3 gang3 gou1 ge3 lei6 sik1 zok3 wai6 wui5 bou3.
In this way, you can earn higher interest as a reward.
Wong5 loi4 wu6 hau2 zau6 ho2 ji5 cim1 faat3 zi1 piu3 zi1 fu6 jat6 soeng4 gok3 hong6 zoeng3 mou6.
Current accounts allow you to sign and issue cheques to pay each everyday account.
Ngan4 hong4 fuk6 mou6 zung6 baau1 kut3 lau4 jyu5 on3 kit3.
Bank services also include building mortgages.
Lau4 jyu5 on3 kit3 zau6 zik1 hai6 maai5 lau4*2 ge3 taai3 fun2.
Building mortgages are loans for buying buildings.
Ling6 jat1 go3 fuk6 mou6 hai6 si1 jan4 taai3 fun2.
Another service is (providing) personal loans.
例如你想買車, 旅遊, 裝修屋企, 升學, 或者係營商投資.
Lai4 jyu4 nei5 soeng2 maai5 ce1, leoi5 jau4, zong1 sau1 uk1 kei2, sing1 hok6, waak6 ze2 hai6 jing4 soeng1 tau4 zi1.
For example, if you want to buy a car, travel, renovate your home, further your education or for business investments.
Ni1 di1 dou1 hai6 suk6 jyu1 si1 jan4 taai3 fun2 ge3 hong6 muk6.
These all belong to the item of personal loans.
其他嘅銀行服務重包括保險, 投資, 信用卡同埋理財等等.
Kei4 taa1 ge3 ngan4 hong4 fuk6 mou6 zung6 baau1 kut3 bou2 him2, tau4 zi1, soen3 jung6 kaat1 tung4 maai4 lei5 coi4 dang2 dang2.
Other bank services include insurance, investment, credit cards and financing etc.
January 27th, 2007 at 9:29 pm
Milan, just wondering. Have you considered putting all these audio clips together in a podcast format, and even put them on iTune?
January 27th, 2007 at 10:54 pm
Hi Edwin.
I don’t think there would be much demand to warrant this. I haven’t met too many learners who are even interested in the audio clips my wife records for me.
To produce something like Chinesepod, I think would be unrealistic. Those guys have a recording studio and many people supporting each podcast.
I think my audio clips require the transcript to be an effective learning tool. I really don’t know anything about iTune, so I can’t comment much in this regard. However, placing MP3s on iTune without the transcript may not be useful. Though, I think the current format is quite effective for most learners to download and copy to their MP3 players.
January 29th, 2007 at 2:42 pm
I think you’re right about audio material being better with transcripts. Do you have anything you use yourself? Even hand-written notes can be scanned. I for one would be very interested in anything like this, the volume of cantonese learning material is not great.
January 29th, 2007 at 11:54 pm
Hi Tom.
I have pages and pages of notes that I wrote while being tutored… Maybe around 40+ A4 pages but I think only myself would have the ability to decipher the content. However, I only use them to revise already learnt vocabulary. Not to study words I didn’t have explained by my tutor or wife.
Actually, there is quite a lot of Cantonese learning material available. You don’t need to have 10 books, only a couple is enough to provide an excellent base of vocabulary. has some good Cantonese learning books that I would have already bought if I wasn’t so lazy to get my credit card. I still prefer my wife’s monologues, they are designed to teach vocabulary and the tones. Her voice is so clear that after listening to each recording for a few hours, I can remember all the tones without looking them up.
January 31st, 2007 at 7:36 am
Wow, there is a huge quantity of stuff available, surprising so little in the bookshops in HK. Thanks for the tip!
I’ve a question on your comment about listening for a few hours. Is it active listening where you try to follow the sounds and meanings or more passive, subliminal? I can’t imagine concentrating on the same short passage so many times.
January 31st, 2007 at 10:58 am
Active listening. I am crazy, I listen to the same MP3 for hours and hours. I do prior study of the transcript for 1 hour memorising all the vocab and new structures. Then I simply listen to each line actively. I don’t think passive or subliminal learning works. I normally do most of my listening on the bus and MTR to work, or while walking to the gym. I can get a few hours of repetitive listening per day.
February 3rd, 2007 at 11:13 am
I just found your blog through Tower of Confusion at . I really like these recordings and hope to improve my cantonese.
October 1st, 2007 at 4:08 pm
“I still prefer my wife’s monologues, they are designed to teach vocabulary and the tones. Her voice is so clear…”
Thank your wife for me. She has an excellent, easy-on-the-ears voice, so it is possible to listen to the monologues multiple times.
Suggestion or request: Do you know any male who can record once in a while with an equally easy-on-the-ears voice? Except on the radio, I find it harder to hear a male voice. My thinking is, well…I am a male, and I think when a man speaks it must be different in some way, say with certain inflections or word choice…and I am afraid of sounding too much like a female. Do you think there is any validity to this?
Thanks so much for your contributions. You are an inspiration, no matter what negative things you might experience ( I also have experienced situations similar to your’s ).
October 1st, 2007 at 9:04 pm
Hi ez,
I agree with your comments about listening to female voices primarily will lead to a female style of speech. Unfortunately the male speakers I know speak unclear, rough and would lack patience to produce audio.
What I find with listening to females is that the voices are at a slightly higher pitch to males, which tends to make my tones 1,3,6 go haywire as I’m not a native speaker.