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fong3 gaa3 nei5 wui5 zou6 di1 mat1 je5 ne1?
what do you do on vacations?

唔… 咁就要睇下個假期有幾長啦.
m4… gam2 zau6 jiu3 tai2 haa5 go3 gaa3 kei4 jau5 gei2 coeng4 laa1
hmmm,,, it depends how long is the vacation.

如果係平時週末嘅話, 靜態嘅活動, 會喺屋企睇書, 無話特定睇乜嘢書, 有時睇雜誌, 有時睇小說.
jyu4 gwo2 hai6 ping4 si4 zau1 mut6 ge3 waa2, zing6 taai3 ge3 wut6 dung6, wui5 hai2 uk1 kei2 tai2 syu1, mou4 waa6 dak6 ding6 tai2 mat1 je5 syu1, jau5 si4 tai2 zaap6 zi3, jau5 si4 tai2 siu2 syut3.
If it’s an ordinary weekend, I stay at home and read books. i do not have preference on which type of books. sometimes magazines, sometimes novels.

除此之外, 我都鍾意聽音樂, 我最鍾意聽爵士樂, 流行音樂我反而麻麻地.
ceoi4 ci2 zi1 ngoi6, ngo5 dou1 zung1 ji3 teng1 jam1 ngok6, ngo5 zeoi3 zung1 ji3 teng1 zoek3 si6 ngok6, lau4 hang4 jam1 ngok6 ngo5 faan2 ji4 maa4 maa4*2 dei2
Besides, I also like listening to music. My favourite is jazz. I do not especially like pop music.

啊, 我週末好多時候都會喺屋企睇影碟, 我好鍾意睇返啲舊戲, 好多舊戲都非常值得一睇再睇.
aa3, ngo5 zau1 mut6 hou2 do1 si4 hau6 dou1 wui5 hai2 uk1 kei5*2 tai2 jing2 dip6*2, ngo5 hou2 zung1 ji3 tai2 faan1 di1 gau6 hei3, hou2 do1 gau6 hei3 dou1 fei1 soeng4 zik6 dak1 jat1 tai2 zoi3 tai2.
and, most of the time I stay home and watch DVDs on weekends. I like watching old movies, most of the old movies are worth watching over and over.

唔… 動態嘅活動, 我會去郊外行下, 住喺城市入面, 每日都忙忙碌碌, 好似抖唔到氣咁, 所以放假嘅時候,
m4… dung6 taai3 ge3 wut6 dung6, ngo5 wui5 heoi3 gaau1 ngoi6 haang4 haa5, zyu6 hai2 sing4 si5 jap6 min6, mui5 jat6 dou1 mong4 mong4 luk1 luk1, hou2 ci5 tau2 m4 dou3*2 hei3 gam2, so2 ji5 fong3 gaa3 ge3 si4 hau6,
hmm, physical activities, I go to rural areas. living in the city, it is very busy everyday. It seems like I can’t breathe. So during vacations,

梗係要離開呢個石屎森林, 享受一下清新空氣, 舒展筋骨, 睇下啲花草樹木, 聽下聞下啲鳥語花香, 咁樣先可以平衡身心.
gang2 hai6 jiu3 lei4 hoi1 ni1 go3 sek6 si2 sam1 lam4, hoeng2 sau6 jat1 haa5 cing1 san1 hung1 hei3, syu1 zin2 gan1 gwat1, tai2 haa5 di1 faa1 cou2 syu6 muk6, teng1 haa5 man4 haa5 di1 niu5 jyu5 faa1 hoeng1, gam2 joeng2 sin1 ho2 ji5 ping4 hang4 san1 sam1.
of course I have to leave this concrete jungle to enjoy the fresh air, to stretch my body, to see flowers and trees, to listen to the birds singing and to smell the flowers. Then I can have a balanced spirit and body.

如果係年假嘅長假期, 我通常都會去旅行, 因為一年一次難得嘅假期, 一來要好好輕鬆一下, 二來又可以擴闊眼光, 睇下其他國家嘅風土人情同風俗習慣.
jyu4 gwo2 hai6 nin4 gaa3 ge3 coeng4 gaa3 kei4, ngo5 tung1 soeng4 dou1 wui5 heoi3 leoi5 hang4, jan1 wai6 jat1 nin4 jat1 ci3 naan4 dak1 ge3 gaa1 kei4, jat1 loi4 jiu3 hou2 hou2 hing1 sung1 jat1 haa5, ji6 loi4 jau6 ho2 ji5 kwong3 fut3 ngaan5 gwong1, tai2 haa5 kei4 taa1 gwok3 gaa1 ge3 fung1 tou2 jan4 cing4 tung4 fung1 zuk6 zaap6 gwaan3.
For long vacations like annual leave, I normally go travelling because it is a once a year vacation. On the one hand, it is very relaxing, on the other hand I can broaden my horizon. I can see other countries’ cultures and customs.

出去旅行, 我唔會跟團, 我會選擇自由行, 因為冇論食同住我都可以自己話事.
ceot1 heoi3 leoi5 hang4, ngo5 m4 wui5 gan1 tyun4, ngo5 wui5 syun2 zaak6 zi6 jau4 hang4, jan1 wai6 mou5 leon6 sik6 tung4 zyu6 ngo5 dou1 ho2 ji5 zi6 gei2 waa6 si6 .
When going travelling, I do not take tours. I choose self travelling, because I can decide what to eat and where to live.

住個方面, 無論去遠或者近, 我一定要住五星級酒店, 而且間酒店必須要有水療按摩服務.
zyu6 go3 fong1 min6, mou4 leon6 heoi3 jyun5 waak6 ze2 kan5, ngo5 jat1 ding6 jiu3 zyu6 ng5 sing1 kap1 zau2 dim3, ji4 ce2 gaan1 zau2 dim3 bit1 seoi1 jiu3 jau5 seoi2 liu4 on3 mo1 fuk6 mou6.
For accommodations, no matter how far or close I go, I have to live in 5 star hotels, also it must have spa services.

食個方面, 我無特別嘅要求, 有時我最會幫< 親>街頭小食, 一來經濟實惠, 二來喺餐廳未必可以食到呢啲小食. 有時我又會去餐廳食飯, 試下當地廚師嘅正宗地道菜.
sik6 go3 fong1 min6, ngo5 mou4 dak6 bit6 ge3 jiu1 kau4, jau5 si4 ngo5 zeoi3 wui5 bong1 < can1 > gaai1 tau4 siu2 sik6, jat1 loi4 ging1 zai3 sat6 wai6, ji6 loi4 hai2 caan1 teng1 mei6 bit1 ho2 ji5 sik6 dou3*2 ni1 di1 siu2 sik6, jau5 si4 ngo5 jau6 wui5 heoi3 caan1 teng1 sik6 faan6, si3 haa5 dong1 dei6 cyu4 si1 ge3 zing3 zung1 dei6 dou6 coi3.
For eating, I do not have any special requests. Sometimes I choose street stalls. on the one hand it is cheap, on the other hand I can’t eat that type of food in restaurants. Sometimes I go to restaurants to try local authentic food.