Tue 1 Jan 2008
Picking it back up in 2008
Posted by 馬先生 under Cantonese
I felt burnt out after nearly 2 years of non-stop studying of Cantonese that I took the last month and a bit off from proactive studying to simply just using what I’ve got and slowly improve on what I already know.
It appears my colleagues are now using Cantonese with me all the time now, and they said my tones are 80-90% correct all the time which I’m happy with.
My writing is slowly getting better but still like a year 1 student. This will be my main focus for 2008…. I will start level 2 of the writing course I’ve started in Wan Chai in a couple of days.
I will also start on actively using Cantophilia and Marcelo’s blog (links can be found on the side menu) which provide excellent resource material.
I will get my wife to record more MP3s but at a more advance level.
Even though I understand a lot and can speak semi-smoothly, I want to build up my level so its more natural and smooth.
January 1st, 2008 at 11:05 pm
Any tips for improving listening skills, can I can speak semi-ok but when it comes too listening, I just don’t get much of it.
January 1st, 2008 at 11:09 pm
G’day John.
I think listening can only be improved by 2 methods:
1) repetitive listening of the same content
2) having to respond to questions or in interaction
I don’t like simply watching TV or listening to the radio method. I think I’ve done plenty of this but because you aren’t really paying attention, the words just come and go.
January 4th, 2008 at 9:52 am
Hi Milan,
It’s good to hear that you’re back! After a lot of hard work and serious studying it’s good to ”going out on vacation”, so to say, and just relax your mind a little bit. I’m looking forward to hearing your wife’s new monologues, which are great by the way. And if it’s possible, don’t forget those SBS stories either.
It just feels awesome to hear a 10 minute story and actually understand everything (thanks to the transcript of course). Anyway, just keep those stories coming.
Best Regards
February 7th, 2008 at 3:01 pm
Just like to comment that you have a great blog!
I’m living in HK and have decided to go full speed ahead with learning Cantonese, perhaps a bit like you said you did for the last two years.
Keep up the good work!
-Bill (”wushijiao” on Chinese Forums)
December 8th, 2008 at 6:33 pm
I have been studying Cantonese on and off for three years, and what usually happens is that the local Cantonese class ends, due to lack of interest. I go back, only to be held back with the beginners.
My problem is that I know a whole bunch of vocabulary, but don’t know how to put it all together to make meaningful phrases, but I’m starting to understand more and more Cantonese.
I went to Hong Kong, and yes, some people did answer me back in English, but a few people did speak some Cantonese with me. For those that didn’t, I wanted to pretend to not speak English, since Spanish is my first language. However, my sister was with me, and would not have gone along with it.