Fri 2 Apr 2010
Monologue - 7 daily necessities
Posted by 馬先生 under MP3 - Monologues
7 daily necessities
‘柴米油鹽醬醋茶’自古以來就稱為開門七件事. 開門, 呢個字, 照字面睇, 即係話, 打開門, 但係, 喺呢個情況, 佢嘅意思係, 一個家庭日常生活嘅必需品.
‘Caai4 mai5 jau4 jim4 zoeng3 cou3 caa4’, zi6 gu2 ji4 loi4 zau6 cing1 wai4 hoi1 mun4 cat1 gin6 si6. Hoi1 mun4, ni1 go3 zi6, ziu3 zi6 min6*2 tai2, zik1 hai6 waa6, daa2 hoi1 mun4, daan6 hai6, hai2 ni1 go3 cing4 fong3, keoi5 ge3 ji3 si3 hai6, jat1 go3 gaa1 ting4 jat6 soeng4 sang1 wut6 ge3 bit1 seoi1 ban2.
‘Firewood, Rice, Oil, Salt, Sauce, Vinegar, Tea’ are ‘the seven items (needed) for going into business’ since a long time ago. Open door, this word, according to its literal meaning means open the door; however, its meaning is a daily necessities.
柴:柴係一種燃料. 樵夫上山砍伐樹木嘅樹幹或者樹枝,然後將佢地劈成適合爐灶大小嘅條狀, 呢種木材就叫做柴. 香港嘅家庭, 絕大部分都採用煤氣爐或者電磁爐. 柴呢種燃料, 而家只會係露營嘅時候, 先有機會用到.
Caai4:caai4 hai6 jat1 zung2 jin4 liu6*2. Ciu4 fu1 soeng5 saan1 ham2 fat6 syu6 muk6 ge3 syu6 gon3 waak6 ze2 syu6 zi1, jin4 hau6 zoeng1 keoi5 dei6 pek3 sing4 sik1 hap6 lou4 zou3 daai6 siu2 ge3 tiu4 zong6. Ni1 zung2 muk6 coi4 zau6 giu3 zou6 caai4. Hoeng1 gong2 ge3 gaa1 ting4, zyut3 daai6 bou6 fan6 dou1 coi2 jung6 mui4 hei3 lou4 waak6 ze2 din6 ci4 lou6. Caai4 ni1 zung2 jin4 liu6*2, ji4 gaa1 zi1 wui6 hai6 lou6 jing4 ge3 si4 hau6, sin1 jau5 gei1 wui6 jung6 dou3.
Firewood: Firewood is a fuel. A woodcutter goes to the forest and chops trunks and branches, and then chops them into fitted stick shapes suitable for a stove. This kind of wood is called firewood. The majority of Hong Kong families use gas cookers or induction cookers. Firewood, this kind of fuel, is only used in camping nowadays.
米:米係中國南方人嘅主要糧食, 未熟既叫米, 煮熟嘅叫飯. 中國以農立國, 古時百分之七十五以上嘅人口係農民, 農夫耕種稻米, 係一種勞力嘅工作, 所謂粒粒皆辛苦.
mai5 :mai5 hai6 zung1 gwok3 naam4 fong1 jan4 ge3 zyu2 jiu3 loeng4 sik6 , mei6 suk6 ge3 giu3 mai5 , zyu2 suk6 ge3 giu3 faan6 . zung1 gwok3 ji5 nung4 laap6 gwok3 , gu2 si4 baak3 fan6 zi1 cat1 sap6 ng5 ji5 soeng6 g3 jan4 hau2 hai6 nung4 man4 , nung4 fu1 gaang1 zung3 dou6 mai5 , hai6 jat1 zung2 lou4 lik6 ge3 gung1 zok3 , so2 wai6 lap1 lap1 gaai1 san1 fu2 .
Rice: Rice is the main food in southern China. It is called grain when raw, and called rice when cooked. China is an agriculture country, 75% of the population are farmers. Farmers planting rice is a labor job, it is so called every granule courts.
油:油係每道煎炒煮炸煮嘅菜餚都會用到, 食油發展到今時今日, 已經有好多種類, 市面上較常見啲食油主要為花生油, 粟米油, 芥花籽油, 橄欖油, 葵花籽油等等.
jau4 : jau4 hai6 mui5 dou6 zin1 caau2 zyu2 zaa3 zyu2 ge3 coi3 dou1 wui5 jung6 dou3 , sik6 jau4 faat3 zin2 dou3*2 gam1 si4 gam1 jat6 , ji5 ging1 jau5 hou2 do1 zung2 leoi6 , si5 min6 soeng6 gaau3 soeng4 gin3 di1 sik6 jau4 zyu2 jiu3 wai6 faa1 sang1 jau4 , suk1 mai5 jau4 , gaai3 faa1 jau4 , gaam3 laam5*2 jau4 , kwai4 faa1 jau4 dang2 dang2 .
Oil: Oil is used when cooking every dish. Oil developed until now there are a lot of types. The common types of oil in the market are peanut oil, corn oil, canola oil, olive oil, and sunflower oil etc.
鹽:鹽係香港食用到嘅十居其九係海鹽, 有分為粗鹽同幼鹽
Jim4: jim4 hai6 hoeng1 gong2 sik6 jung6 dou3 ge3 sap6 geoi1 kei4 gau2 hai6 hoi2 jim4, jau5 fan1 wai6 cou1 jim4 tung4 jau3 jim4.
Salt: The majority of salt consumed in Hong Kong is sea salt, coarse salt and fine salt.
醬:醬係一種調味品, 佢可以幫助食物吊味, 常用嘅有豉油, 蠔油, 辣椒醬, 魚露等等.
zoeng3: zoeng3 hai6 jat1 zung2 tiu6 mei6 ban2 , keoi5 ho2 ji5 bong1 zo6 sik6 mat6 diu3 mei6 , soeng4 jung6 ge3 jau5 si6 jau4*2 , hou4 jau4 , laat6 ziu1 zoeng3 , jyu4 lou6 dang2 dang2 .
Sauce: Sauce is a type of seasoning. It can enhance the flavour of food. The common one includes soya sauce, oyster sauce, chili sauce, and fish sauce etc.
醋:香港人最常食用嘅醋係甜醋, 產婦生產之後會食薑醋, 薑可以促進食慾, 甜醋就有助散瘀補血.
cou3: hoeng1 gong2 jan4 zeoi3 soeng4 sik6 jung6 ge3 cou3 hai6 tim4 cou3, caan2 fu5 sang1 caan2 zi1 hau6 wui6*2 sik6 goeng1
cou3, goeng1 ho2 ji5 cuk1 zeon3 sik6 juk6 , tim4 cou3 zau6 jau5 zo6 saan3 jyu2 bou2 hyut3 .
Vinegar: The most vinegar used in Hong Kong is sweet vinegar. Pregnant women eat ginger sweet vinegar after laboring. Ginger can enhance appetite and sweet vinegar can help healing bruises and supplement blood quantity.
茶:中國人鍾意品茗, 佢嘅重要性好似西方人鍾意飲咖啡一樣. 茶係一種有營養價值同有保健作用既飲料, 研究證明, 佢可以預防癌症, 降低血壓, 消炎殺菌等等的功效. 眾多茶葉種類之中, 我個人最中情普洱.
Caa4 :zung1 gwok3 jan4 zung1 ji3 ban2 ming5 , keoi5 ge3 zung6 jiu3 sing3 hou2 ci5 sai1 fong1 jan4 zung1 ji3 jam2 gaa3 fe1 jat1 joeng6 . caa4 hai6 jat1 zung2 jau5 jing4 joeng5 gaa3 zik6 tung4 jau5 bou2 gin6 zok3 jung6 gei3 jam2 liu6*2 , jin4 gau3 zing3 ming4 , keoi5 ho2 ji5 jyu6 fong4 ngaam4 zing3 , gong3 dai1 hyut3 aat3 , siu1 jim4 saat3 kwan2 dang2 dang2 di1 gung1 haau6 . zung3 do1 caa4 jip6 zung2 leoi6 zi1 zung1, ngo5 go3 jan4 zeoi3 zung1 cing4 pou2 lei2 .
Tea: Chinese people love drinking tea, its importance is the same as western people love drinking coffee. Tea is a nutritious and healthy drink. Research proves that, it can prevent cancer, lower blood pressure, kill bacteria etc. Among different types of tea, I prefer pu-er tea personally.
April 22nd, 2010 at 9:39 am
Thanks for another monologue! Find them to be a great help with my Cantonese learning, just right for the level i’m currently at. Thanks again!
April 29th, 2010 at 10:04 am
Just like to say a big thank you for these great monologues. This is great for non native cantonese speakers and anyone wishing to improve their cantonese. i have found them very useful!
May 14th, 2010 at 9:36 am
Great post, I’ve been learning Cantonese through the Pimsleur program, it balances speaking and listening about 50-50. In the future I think I will be moving to Hong Kong, so hopefully I can learn more then. I am concerned that soon I will be out of lessons in my program and am not sure how to continue developing beyond that. Any suggestions? I am comfortable using the Cantonese that I have learned, but much of it is built in an question/answer structure, so it is hard to have a conversation that isn’t essentially an interrogation!
May 21st, 2010 at 7:05 am
Thanks. This was really helpful, please post more!
June 6th, 2010 at 6:11 am
Hadn’t checked your site for quite a while. Checked in just now to discover this monologue. Great stuff. I’m putting it on my iPod for intensive listening.
Thanks again for providing these unique Cantonese learning materials on the net. I say unique because they are the only decent amount of intermediate to advanced level materials that provide the three essentials: native speech audio, romanisation and English translation.
Please keep them coming.
Best wishes,
July 31st, 2010 at 11:26 pm
Thanks a lot for making these dialogues for us Cantonese learners. I have a quick question about the Jyutping. I was trying to type out”嘅” by typing ”Ge” but it seemed to not work. I wanted to know how you’ve managed to type this word. Thanks in advance and keep up the great work.
July 31st, 2010 at 11:31 pm
Hi Moses,
I use the Cantonese IME from From this I just type “ge” and the character 嘅 appears in a little pop up box at the bottom of my screen. That is the same for di = 啲 etc…
Plus I’m a big fan of yours
August 1st, 2010 at 12:14 am
Hey, Milan,
Thanks a lot. It seems that I was using a different KB for Cantonese, but the characters seemed to be limited. I’m a big fan of yours now!I will be visiting your blog very often since I’m studying Cantonese. Keep up the great work.