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今時今日嘅小朋友, 如果唔係琴棋書畫, 樣樣皆精, 最起碼都要有一技旁身, 以爭取入讀名校或者為前途著想.
Gam1 si4 gam1 jat6 ge3 siu2 pang4 jau5, jyu4 gwo2 m4 hai6 kam4 kei4 syu1 waa6*2, joeng6*2 joeng6*2 gaai1 zing1, zeoi3 hei2 maa5 dou1 jiu3 jau5 jat1 gei6 pong4 san1, ji5 zang1 ceoi4 jap6 duk6 ming4 haau6 waak6 ze2 wai6 cin4 tou4 zoek6 soeng2.
Children these days, if they aren’t proficient in each of the skills of playing piano, playing chess, writing and drawing, at the very least must possess a specialised skill, in order to strive to get into famous schools or in consideration for their future.

有一個調查發現, 香港嘅家長會將每個月一到兩成嘅收入用喺仔女學習之上.
Jau5 jat1 go3 tiu4 caa4 faat3 jin6, hoeng1 gong2 ge3 gaa1 zoeng2 wui5 zoeng1 mui5 go3 jyut6 jat1 dou3 loeng5 sing4 ge3 sau1 jap6 jung6 hai2 zai2 neoi5*2 hok6 zaap6 zi1 soeng6.
One survey found, Hong Kong parents will spend up to 20% of their income on their children’s studies (learning) every month.

Zung1 wai6 sou3 hai6 saam1 cin1 baat3 baak3 man1.
The median amount is $3,800.

父母為咗撫育子女成才, 學費, 英文班, 補習班, 興趣班幾乎缺一不可.
Fu6 mou5 wai4 zo2 fu2 juk6 zi2 neoi5 sing4 coi4, hok6 fai3, jing1 man4 baan1, bou2 zaap6 baan1, hing3 ceoi3 baan1 gei1 fu4 kyut3 jat1 bat1 ho2.
In order to nurture their children’s talents, parents may almost not neglect even one (item amongst) school fees, English classes, supplementary classes and special interest classes.