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I went to Delifrance with an overseas-born Chinese guy. He ordered and spoke only English with an Australian accent, and was replied back in Cantonese.

When I ordered in Cantonese “呢個朱古力酥唔該 - ni1 go3 zyu1 gu2*1 lik6*1 sou1 m4 goi1 - this chocolate croissant please”, I was replied back in English “fourteen dollars”. I even said “我想增值八達通一百蚊 - ngo5 soeng2 zang1 zik6 baat3 daat6 tung1 jat1 baak3 man1 - I want to add $100 to my Octopus card”, and was replied in English “put there then OK”.

I normally don’t have a problem when someone speaks English to me not knowing my Cantonese level as I don’t really look like the locals, but being replied back in English especially when I spoke Cantonese first is pretty rude. I think I need many more years in Hong Kong to finally get used to ignorance.

Lastly, I went to the local TV store in Tuen Mun to look for LCD TVs the other week. I ask the questions in Cantonese and the guy looks to my wife and answers. He didn’t even look at me or give me a chance to see if I could understand, I’m simply ignored and he continues to be quite pushy to my wife - 死纏爛打 - sei2 cin4 laan6 daa2.

I sent an email to Steve Kaufmann mentioning how I enjoyed him speaking in different languages and then posting the podcasts onto his blog. I asked him if he could make more podcasts in different languages as he speaks 9 languages fluently. Steve continues to motivate me each day as the once impossible seems so obtainable.

It not only impresses me to hear him speaking in so many languages, but reminds me that my goals will one day be achieved with continued commitment.

You may hear Steve’s response below in multiple languages:

Download - 13:51min

Download - 00:34min

今時今日嘅小朋友, 如果唔係琴棋書畫, 樣樣皆精, 最起碼都要有一技旁身, 以爭取入讀名校或者為前途著想.
Gam1 si4 gam1 jat6 ge3 siu2 pang4 jau5, jyu4 gwo2 m4 hai6 kam4 kei4 syu1 waa6*2, joeng6*2 joeng6*2 gaai1 zing1, zeoi3 hei2 maa5 dou1 jiu3 jau5 jat1 gei6 pong4 san1, ji5 zang1 ceoi4 jap6 duk6 ming4 haau6 waak6 ze2 wai6 cin4 tou4 zoek6 soeng2.
Children these days, if they aren’t proficient in each of the skills of playing piano, playing chess, writing and drawing, at the very least must possess a specialised skill, in order to strive to get into famous schools or in consideration for their future.

有一個調查發現, 香港嘅家長會將每個月一到兩成嘅收入用喺仔女學習之上.
Jau5 jat1 go3 tiu4 caa4 faat3 jin6, hoeng1 gong2 ge3 gaa1 zoeng2 wui5 zoeng1 mui5 go3 jyut6 jat1 dou3 loeng5 sing4 ge3 sau1 jap6 jung6 hai2 zai2 neoi5*2 hok6 zaap6 zi1 soeng6.
One survey found, Hong Kong parents will spend up to 20% of their income on their children’s studies (learning) every month.

Zung1 wai6 sou3 hai6 saam1 cin1 baat3 baak3 man1.
The median amount is $3,800.

父母為咗撫育子女成才, 學費, 英文班, 補習班, 興趣班幾乎缺一不可.
Fu6 mou5 wai4 zo2 fu2 juk6 zi2 neoi5 sing4 coi4, hok6 fai3, jing1 man4 baan1, bou2 zaap6 baan1, hing3 ceoi3 baan1 gei1 fu4 kyut3 jat1 bat1 ho2.
In order to nurture their children’s talents, parents may almost not neglect even one (item amongst) school fees, English classes, supplementary classes and special interest classes.

I can’t wait until the day I can speak as fluent as Ho Kwok Wing. I seem to be speaking better day by day, though reaching Ho Kwok Wing’s level of fluency and vocabulary seem so unreachable.

I have come to realise that having a native-like accent and intonation would be unachievable. Even though we all possess different language abilities, I have always tried to compare my potential with Ho Kwok Wing. We both have a similar Australian accent when speaking English and started Cantonese as an adult.

I saw Ho Kwok Wing in Her Fatal Ways 4 (表姐,妳好嘢!) the other day on Cable-TV, and I was amazed that his fluency and pronunciation was the exact same 13 years ago as today.

I once asked Ho Kwok Wing in Whampoa Gardens how long it took him to speak Cantonese well. He indicated that he only needed 1 year in Hong Kong, though I don’t know what he thought speaking Cantonese well meant.

My motivation and inspiration come from the daily improvements I have already achieved, and the goal to speak as well as Ho Kwok Wing.

PART 1: 8:21min PART 2: 10:17min

MerlionI recently spent 1 week in Singapore for work. However, to my surprise the taxi drivers were all excited to practice their Cantonese with me. For the first time since studying, I was much more fluent in Cantonese than my Chinese counterpart. Respecting the local people I began my conversations in English, but found the drivers wanted to speak only Cantonese to me.

Overall, Singapore isn’t even a good environment to speak Mandarin as nearly every Chinese family spoke English to each other. I met up with Bernard from the Cantonese forums and engaged in some Cantonese dialogues with him on Saturday.

Though the week in Singapore made me feel like my Cantonese was regressing and it felt quite strange having so much English and Mandarin spoken in Chinatown in comparison to Sydney.

Download - 01:33min

Sent to me by Marcelo. Thanks.

喺香港嘅校園生活好大壓力. 每日學生都要做好多功課.
hai2 hoeng1 gong2 ge3 haau6 jyun4*2 sang1 wut6 hou2 daai6 aat3 lik6. mui5 jat6 hok6 sang1 dou1 jiu3 zou6 hou2 do1 gung1 fo3.
The school life in Hong Kong is very stressful. Students have loads of homework to do everyday.

如果佢哋唔做,老師會鬧佢哋. 而且屋企人都會畀壓力學生, 因為除非佢哋有好成績, 否則就唔可以入大學.
jyu4 gwo2 keoi5 dei6 m4 zou6, lou5 si1 wui5 naau6 keoi5 dei6. ji4 ce2 uk1 kei2 jan4 dou1 wui5 bei2 aat3 lik6 hok6 sang1, jan1 wai6 ceoi4 fei1 keoi5 dei6 jau5 hou2 sing4 zik1, fau2 zak1 zau6 m4 ho2 ji5 jap6 daai6 hok6.
If they don’t, the teacher will scold them. Moreover, family members will put pressure on students because they will not go to university unless they have good results.

所以好多學生都覺得唔開心. 有啲人甚至自殺.
so2 ji5 hou2 do1 hok6 sang1 dou1 gok3 dak1 m4 hoi1 sam1. jau5 di1 jan4 sam6 zi3 zi6 saat3.
That’s why many students feel unhappy. Some of them even commit suicide.

香港嘅學校好嚴格. 真係 有好多規矩.
hoeng1 gong2 ge3 hok6 haau6 hou2 jim4 gaak3. zan1 hai6 jau5 hou2 do1 kwai1 geoi2.
Hong Kong schools are very strict. They really have a lot of rules.

一般學生唔可以用手提電話, 化妝, 拍拖同埋一定要著校服. 朝頭早都有早會.
jat1 bun1 hok6 sang1 m4 ho2 ji5 jung6 sau2 tai4 din6 waa6*2, faa3 zong1, paak3 to1 tung4 maai4 jat1 ding6 jiu3 zoek3 haau6 fuk6. ziu1 tau4 zou2 dou1 jau5 zou2 wui6*2.
Generally, students cannot use mobile phones, wear make up nor date, and they must wear a uniform. In the morning, there will be a morning assembly.

即係祈禱, 宣佈, 或者唱校歌. 早會之後課堂會開始.
zik1 hai6 kei4 tou2, syun1 bou3, waak6 ze2 coeng3 haau6 go1. zou2 wui6*2 zi1 hau6 fo3 tong4 wui5 hoi1 ci2.
(This is) to pray, make announcements or sing the school song. After the morning assembly lessons will start.

學科就分開為文科同埋理科. 文科包括歷史地理同埋經濟.
hok6 fo1 zau6 fan1 hoi1 wai4 man4 fo1 tung4 maai4 lei5 fo1. man4 fo1 baau1 kut3 lik6 si2 dei6 lei5 tung4 maai4 ging1 zai3.
Subjects are divided into arts and science stream. Arts stream includes history, geography and economics.

理科包括數學, 物理, 化學, 生物學同埋會計. 學期尾就會考試.
lei5 fo1 baau1 kut3 sou3 hok6, mat6 lei5, faa3 hok6, sang1 mat6 tung4 maai4 wui6 gai3. hok6 kei4 mei5 zau6 wui5 haau2 si5.
Science stream includes mathematics, physics, chemistry, biology and accounting. In the end of the school term they need to do the exams.

喺學校有其中一啲人我真係唔鍾意嘅,就係風紀. 佢哋嘅職責就係維持紀律.
hai2 hok6 haau6 jau5 kei4 zung1 jat1 di1 jan4 ngo5 zan1 hai6 m4 zung1 ji3 ge3, zau6 hai6 fung1 gei2. keoi5 dei6 ge3 zik1 zaak3 zau6 hai6 wai4 ci4 gei2 leot6.
There are some people at school who I really don’t like: prefects. Their job is to keep the discipline.

佢哋認為呢個工作 非常之重要, 但係我唔同意.其實係好無聊.
keoi5 dei6 jing6 wai4 ni1 go3 gung1 zok3 fei1 soeng4 zi1 zung6 jiu3, daan6 hai6 ngo5 m4 tung4 ji3. kei4 sat6 hai6 hou2 mou4 liu4.
They believe this job is very important, but I don’t agree. Actually, I think that’s nonsense.

如果係小息我喺小食部食緊吞拿魚手卷, 一個風紀就會催我 “快啲啦!冇時間”.
jyu4 gwo2 hai6 siu2 sik1 ngo5 hai2 siu2 sik6 bou6 sik6 gan2 tan1 naa4 jyu4*2 sau2 gyun2, jat1 go3 fung1 gei2 zau6 wui5 ceoi1 ngo5 “faai3 di1 laa1! mou5 si4 gaan3.”
If during the recess I am in the tuck shop eating tuna fish hand roll, one prefect will urge me “ Be quick! There’s no time”.

或者我喺課室入邊同朋友傾偈, 佢哋都會叫我 “請安靜!” .
waak6 ze2 ngo5 hai2 fo3 sat1 jap6 bin6 tung4 pang4 jau5 king1 gai2, keoi5 dei6 dou1 wui5 giu3 ngo5 “ceng2 on1 zing6!”
Or (if) I am at the classroom talking to my friends, they will tell me “Please keep quiet!”

所以我唔鍾意風紀. 放學學生一係會去圖書館做功課 一係返屋企休息.
so2 ji5 ngo5 m4 zung1 ji3 fung1 gei2. fong3 hok6 hok6 sang1 jat1 hai6 wui5 heoi3 tou4 syu1 gun2 zou6 gung1 fo3 jat1 hai6 faan1 uk1 kei2 jau1 sik1.
That’s why I don’t like prefects. After school, students will either go to the library to do the homework or back home to take a rest.

Download - 01:17min

Here’s a new monologue which Chris J. sent me last week, however, the original MP3 had problems. My wife helped me to record a new version. Thanks all.

cam4 jat6, ngo5 dei6 heoi3 zo2 daai6 bou3 heoi1 fu6 gan6 jaai2 daan1 ce1. ngo5 dei6 zou1 zo2 loeng5 gaa3 saan1 dei6 daan1 ce1, jat1 jat6 daai6 koi3 hai6 cat1 sap6 man1.
Yesterday, we went biking around the Tai Bou Market area. We rented two mountain bikes for one day for about $70.

man6 jyun4 fong1 hoeng3 zi1 hau6 ngo5 dei6 zau6 zik1 si4 hai2 daai6 bou3 heoi1 fu6 gan6 dong6 sat1 lou6. hang4 faan1 zyun3 tau4 jat1 zan6 ngo5 dei6 zau6 ho2 ji5 wan2 faan1 ngaam1 ge3 lou6 heoi3 daai6 mei5 duk1.
After asking for directions, we promptly got lost around the Tai Bou area. After a bit of backtracking, we managed to get on the right course towards Tai Mei Tuk.

go2 jat6 ge3 tin1 hei3 hou2 hou2. jau5 siu2 siu2 fung1, siu2 siu2 waan4, tung4 maai4 wan1 dou6 daai6 koi3 hai6 waa4 si6 cat1 sap6 dou6.
The weather that day was fantastic. There was a slight wind, scattered clouds, and a temperature of about 70F.

ngo5 dei6 caai2 daan1 ce1 heoi3 zo2 go3 gung1 jyun4*2. jau4 go2 dou6 ngo5 dei6 ho2 ji5 tai2 dou3 hoeng1 gong2 zung1 man4 daai6 hok6 tung4 maa5 on1 saan1. Kerry hoi1 tau4 m4 seon3 ngo5, zik6 dou3 ngo5 zi2 bei2 keoi5 tai2 hoeng1 gong2 zung1 man4 daai6 hok6 hai2 bin1.
We biked to a public park. From the view there, we could see both CUHK and Ma On Shan. Kerry didn’t believe me at first, until I pointed out where CUHK was.

gan1 zyu6 ngo5 dei6 zau6 jat1 zik6 caai2 heoi3 daai6 mei5 duk1. tiu4 lou6 daai6 bou6 fan6 dou1 hou2 ping4, ceoi4 zo2 jau5 siu2 siu2 soeng5 saan1 ge3 lou6.
Afterwards, we took a long route towards Tai Mei Tuk. For the most part, it was a flat route, with only one slight uphill section.

lou6 ge3 loeng5 bin1 jau5 hou2 do1 saam1 cang4 lau4 ge3 cyun1 uk1. jau5 di1 cyun1 uk1 ge3 mun4 hou2 leng3 hou2 hou4 waa4, daan6 jau5 di1 zau6 hou2 po3 gau6.
Along the way, there were many three level village style houses. Some had very elaborate doors and gates, and others looked very squalid.

zeoi3 hau6 ngo5 dei6 heoi3 zo2 jat1 go3 seoi2 baa3 go2 dou6 tung4 maai4 gin3 dou3*2 jat1 go3 giu3 maa5 si2 zau1 ge3 dei6 fong1. go3 seoi2 fu3 hou2 leng3, tung4 maai4 hou2 do1 jan4 hai2 go2 dou6 fong3 fung1 zaang1 diu3 jyu4*2.
At the very end, we biked over a dam and saw Horse Shit Island. The reservoir was beautiful here, and there were many people flying kites and fishing along the dam.

Download - 01:27min

Marcelo sent me one of his own monologues that he uses to learn Cantonese.

bak1 ging1 leoi5 hang4
Beijing trip

ni1 go3 fuk6 wut6 zit3 gaa3 kei4 ngo5 tung4 kei4 taa1 lau4 hok6 saang1 heoi3 zo2 bak1 ging1
This easter holiday I went to Beijing with other foreign-exchange students.

我哋要好早起身, 因為我哋個班機係好早, 所以我喺飛機入便大多數時間瞓覺.
ngo5 dei6 jiu3 hou2 zou2 hei2 san1, jan1 wai6 ngo5 dei6 go3 baan1 gei1 hai6 hou2 zou2, so2 ji5 ngo5 hai2 fei1 gei1 jap6 bin6 daai6 do1 sou3 si4 gaan3 fan3 gaau3.
We needed to get up early because our plane is very early, so inside the plane most of the time was spent sleeping.

北京有好多靚地方,例如天安門廣場, 頤和園, 萬里長城,等等. 我哋喺北京五日旅行好開心,
bak1 ging1 jau5 hou2 do1 leng3 dei6 fong1, lai6 jyu4 tin1 on1 mun4 gwong2 coeng4, ji4 wo4 jyun4, maan6 lei5 coeng4 sing4, dang2 dang2. ngo5 dei6 hai2 bak1 ging1 ng5 jat6 leoi5 hang4 hou2 hoi1 sam1.
Beijing is a very beautiful place, for example Tienanmen Square, Summer Palace, Great Wall etc. We went to Beijing for a 5 day holiday, we were very happy.

但係我覺得北京地方比較污糟, 四周圍有好多核突建築物.好亂!
daan6 hai6 ngo5 gok3 dak1 bak1 ging1 dei6 fong1 bei2 gaau3 wu1 zou1, sei3 zau1 wai4 jau5 hou2 do1 wat6 dat6 gin3 zuk1 mat6, hou2 lyun6!
But I think Beijing is relatively dirty, has ugly buildings everywhere , and is very messy!

中國同香港好唔同. 一方面中國比較污糟同埋嘢人比較冇禮貌. 另一方面啲嘢真係好平!
zung1 gwok3 tung4 hoeng1 gong2 hou2 m4 tung4. jat1 fong1 min6 zung1 gwok3 bei2 gaau3 wu1 zou1 tung4 maai4 di1 jan4 bei2 gaau3 mou5 lai5 maau6. ling6 jat1 fong1 min6 di1 je5 zan1 hai6 hou2 peng4!
China and Hong Kong are not the same. One aspect, China is comparatively dirty and the people are relatively rude. Another aspect is that its very cheap.

我買左好多嘢, 例如T裇啦,褸啦,書等等.
ngo5 maai5 zo2 hou2 do1 je5, lai6 jyu4 T-seot1 laa1, lau5*1 laa1, syu1 dang2 dang2.
I bought a lot of things, like T-shirts, jackets, books etc.

喺北京啲嘢食好味. 不過我覺得廣東啲嘢食更好味! 尤其是 點心啦! 天安門廣場好大! 嗰度有一個毛澤東肖像. 哎呀!
hai2 bak1 ging1 di1 je5 sik6 hou2 mei6. bat1 gwo3 ngo5 gok3 dak1 gwong2 dung1 di1 je5 sik6 gang3 hou2 mei6! jau4 kei4 si6 dim2 sam1 laa1! tin1 on1 mun4 gwong2 coeng4 hou2 daai6! go2 dou6 jau5 jat1 go3 mou4 zaak6 dung1 ciu3 zoeng6. aai1 aa1!
In Beijing the food is tasty, but I think Guangdong food is even tastier! Especially dim sum! Tienanmen Square is very big! Over there, there is a portrait of Mao Zedong. Aiya!

喺中國我試下同本地人講普通話, 畢竟入鄉隨俗.
hai2 zung1 gwok3 ngo5 si3 haa5 tung4 bun2 dei6 jan4 gong2 pou2 tung1 waa6*2, bat1 ging2 jap6 hoeng1 ceoi4 zuk6.
In China I tried to speak Mandarin to the locals, after all when in Rome, do as Romans do.

但係我嘅詞彙好有限. 而且我唔記得好多字.
daan6 hai6 ngo5 ge3 ci4 wui6 hou2 jau5 haan6. ji4 ce2 ngo5 m4 gei3 dak1 hou2 do1 zi6.
But I have limited vocabulary. Moreover I can’t remember a lot of words.

長城亦都好大. 風景好靚! 我影左好多相. 噉我諗呢個旅行都好有趣啦!
coeng4 sing4 jik6 dou1 hou2 daai6. fung1 ging2 hou2 leng3! ngo5 jing2 zo2 hou2 do1 soeng3*2. gam2 ngo5 lam2 ni1 go3 leoi5 hang4 dou1 hou2 jau5 ceoi3 laa1!
The Great Wall is also very big. The view is very beautiful! I took a lot of pictures. So I think this trip was very interesting!

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